LeaderConnect Community

Strategic Capabilities

Reskilling and upskilling are the way forward for organizations who are looking to build a strong, skilled workforce.  It’s not just about the skills employees need right now, but also anticipating what the future of work will look like and what skills will be most valuable in that future workplace.  They path forward is a culture of learning – one in which  continuous learning and skill development is encouraged.

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LeaderConnect Community Live Events

Building High Performing Teams: 8 Essential Practices


Decades of research has demonstrated the value of high-performing teams. Not only are they 57% more effective and include employees who are 87% less likely to leave, they also enjoy more than 2X the revenue growth of less engaged teams. While the ROI is undeniable, it can be challenging to establish the patterns of engagement that build trust, enhance team performance, and create cultures of collaboration, learning, and accountability.   

In this webinar, you will learn more about our Deep Trust and High Expectations high-performance team model and what it takes for your teams — and your organization — to be successful. 

Join Mariah Cherniss and Mallory Nightingale for a webinar where they will:

  • Review the impact of high-performance teams 

  • Introduce our Deep Trust and High Expectations™ approach to successful team building 

  • Demonstrate why “deep trust” and “high expectations” must work together — and what happens when they don’t 

  • Explore 8 essential practices to create high-performance teams 

  • Provide tips and real-world examples for optimizing team collaboration and performance


Good for Me, Good for Us, and Good for the World

The fundamental question facing business leaders today is the extent to which these shifts in expectations of business are temporary and

Building a Deep Trust, High Expectations Culture

In this guide, we’ll walk you through six strategies leaders need to focus on to build or strengthen cultures
rooted in Deep Trust and High Expectations.

4 Ideas For Resilience and Growth in 2023

Whether you’re a low, medium, or high-performing team, you can look for ways to grow and improve. This workbook contains some attributes of high-performing teams.

How To Transform Your Team From Burnout to Engagement

These practices keep leaders agile and resilient, their people engaged and energized, and their businesses thriving.

How To Build Resiliency in Uncertain Times

How do the organization’s values and behaviors support or limit effectiveness?