LeaderConnect Community

Strategic Capabilities

Reskilling and upskilling are the way forward for organizations who are looking to build a strong, skilled workforce.  It’s not just about the skills employees need right now, but also anticipating what the future of work will look like and what skills will be most valuable in that future workplace.  They path forward is a culture of learning – one in which  continuous learning and skill development is encouraged.

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LeaderConnect Community Live Events

How We Must Transform the L&D, HR, & Talent Functions to Lead the Future of Our Organizations


The past few years have brought unprecedented disruption and uncertainty to our organizations and economy. HR, Talent, OD, and L&D leaders are facing historic challenges in navigating a competitive talent landscape, managing an exhausted workforce, and controlling costs while meeting the evolving needs of customers and employees. 

To succeed in this environment requires more than just hiring and training great people based on job expectations. It requires us to eliminate the traditional reporting structure between L&D, Talent Management, OD, and HR and become the Capability & Transformation Office. The sole focus is to create value, deliver solutions, and generate results that are essential for the entire enterprise and for each key stakeholder in both the short and long-term.

Drawing from our experience in leading transformation for over 150 companies and our comprehensive analysis of industry trends over the past 5 years, this session will provide insight into the future direction of business and its implications for all human capital functions. As an executive leader, you will learn how to navigate both the global and unique changes you are facing to achieve the necessary transformation and impact for success.

In this webinar, you will understand the seven critical shifts to lead the future of the organization and your L&D, HR, and Talent teams.

  • Prioritize purpose over priorities.

  • Foster ownership instead of engagement.

  • Be a strategic partner instead of an order taker.

  • Develop capability rather than talent or skill.

  • Emphasize value creation over job responsibilities.

  • Focus on impact and revenue generation rather than metrics and being a cost center.

  • Promote total well-being for employees instead of just managing their stress.


Empowering People With Skills Development

In order to stay ahead of the curve, it’s important for organizations to invest in their employees and help them grow. This means providing opportunities for skills development.

How To Adopt A Skills-Led Approach to Talent Initiates

This conversation is going to cover everything you need to know about adopting a skills-led approach to talent, that not only drives value for the business and the workforce but supports your ESG initiatives.

L&D Transformation Podcast

Senior leaders within talent development share how to generate results by building capability the balances the immediate needs and long-term transformation of our organization.