LeaderConnect Community

Digitial Transformation

Digital transformation has been an undeniable force that continues to push organizations to look for new ways to harness the power of technology.  HR and Learning are no different.  Leveraging digital transformation can lead to personalized learning paths and user generated experience that pivot based on each learner’s unique needs.  Digital transformation can shape the employee experience and put powerful data in the hands of organizations, leaders, and individuals.

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LeaderConnect Community Live Events

Optimizing Technology in L&D


In L&D, we use technology to reach learners at scale, create learning quickly and effectively, and track and measure learning outcomes. But just because there are many learning tech options to choose from, it’s important to have a clear business case, target audience, and implementation strategy in place before the ink on the contract dries.

This webinar will share the benefits of learning technology, the challenges with implementing them within your organization and what to consider when building a business case for investment. You will learn:

  • Different types, including recent groundbreaking learning technologies (ChatGPT isn’t the only new kid on the block)

  • Benefits of using learning technology to reach learners at scale in ways L&D has not been able to in the past

  • Key areas to consider when building your business case to avoid sticker shock in your budget planning


Will You Lose Your Job To AI?

Here’s what experts say about which jobs AI will make obsolete—and what jobs it could create.